Eros Business Consulting
Providing working solutions for a better business

Eros Business Consulting, prepare for business improvement from this moment onwards……

Bob Hutchinson, an entrepreneur and optometrist provides consistent knowledge gained from 40 year’s experience in the optical and audiology professions.

As CEO and founder of Eros Business Consulting Ltd every assignment is overseen and personally run by him.

Where more assistance and time is required he has a network of associates offering marketing, finance and tax planning, web management and IT, HR and investment advice providing every skill necessary for a business to prosper.

His understanding of the principles of business management, growth and profitability comes from his own investment in the development of sole trader and corporate businesses over a 25-year period, his commitment to knowledge management and his extensive knowledge of the retail and wholesale sector provide the driving force behind Eros Consultants.

Most famed for his work with HMRC (then Customs and Excise) in gaining agreement on the past repayments of overpaid VAT to the profession (est. £650 million ) and providing the template and agreement for the Full Cost Apportionment methodology, still the only agreement accepted by HMRC officers.

Hutchinson is requested by audiology and opticians every year to sort out difficult cases between VAT officials and companies in disputed payments, FCA percentages and creating FCA agreements.

Over the last 10 years he has in every case recovered far more money than has cost the customer in fees and these savings continue year on year adding to the businesses net profits. Are you sure you are not overpaying sales tax?

Quite simply Hutchinson has been there and done it and continues to do so.

Bob Hutchinson BSc, FCOptom, FSMC, Liveryman, FRSM/Past President of the General Practice with Primary Healthcare section.

Hutchinson is also Founder and CEO/Editor of Primary Health Net Ltd publishers of Opchat News read by over 7000 opticians providing 24/7 news and knowledge to opticians, ophthalmologists and audiologists as well as the public information service on eyecare and eyewear as well as hearing and general health issues.

Eros Business Consulting Ltd

Tel: +44 (0) 1787326468

Mob +44 (0) 7785353681

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